Ehrenplakette für den kanadischen Dichter Louis Dudek
In der Writers‘ Chapel, einem Seitenschiff der neogotischen Kirche St. Jax, Montreal, wurde anlässlich des 100. Geburtsjahres der Dichter, Essayist, Universitätsprofessor LOUIS DUDEK (1918-2001) durch Anbringung einer Gedenkplakette geehrt. An der Feierstunde im Oktober, geleitet von einem Schüler Dudeks, Prof. Michael Gnarowski, Sprecher des Writer’s Chapel Trust nahmen zahlreiche Schriftsteller, Forscher und Künstler teil. Sie alle würdigten vor allem den engagierten Förderer junger moderner Dichter Anglo-Kanadas in der Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts sowie den bescheidenen Humanisten Dudek, dem gegenüber u.a. auch sein Schüler Leonard Cohen stets seine Dankbarkeit bezeugt hatte.
Einer der Redner war der einzige deutsche Herausgeber Dudeks, Dr. Bernhard Beutler, Kanadist, München (Mitglied der Deutsch-Kanadischen Gesellschaft). Im Februar 2018 hatte bereits eine moderierte Lesung von Gedichten Dudeks im lyrik kabinett München, stattgefunden (Mitwirkung von Madelaine Steup und Nikos Aragon).
Dankesworte auf beiden Gedenkveranstaltungen sprach der Sohn des Dichters, Prof. Gregory Dudek, Spezialist für Roboter an der McGill University, Montreal.
By Bernhard Beutler
On the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the Canadian poet, humanist and academic Louis Dudek (1918-2001) I had the pleasure to attend and speak at the unveiling of a memorial plaque which was being unveiled prior to its installation on the wall of the Writers’ Chapel which is an adjunct of the mid-nineteenth century neo-Gothic Church now known as St. Jax but historically serving members of Montreal’s anglophone community as the Anglican Church of St. James the Apostle which, in its Chapel, has hosted on its walls a number of commemorative plaques dedicated by the Writers’ Chapel Trust to the celebration of the memory of important Canadian writers. On October the 12th, 2018 I joined an overflowing chapel of friends, scholars and literati in remembering a dear friend and colleague whose extended influence and mentorship has advanced the careers of younger Canadian poets including the recently deceased internationally known poet/artist Leonard Cohen. The occasion, MC’d by Professor Michael Gnarowski who had been a student of his listened to several brief reminiscences by those who had known Dudek personally and heard his poetry and that of younger writers read in the Chapel. Wine and cheese and hors d’oeuvres were served after the event at which the conversation inevitably revolved around recollections of Louis Dudek, who was remembered as a fine poet, excellent teacher and a generous humanist of the highest intellectual standing.
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