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Resisting Populism: Is Canada Exceptional?
22. Mai 2019, 19:15 – 21:00
Talk with Andrew Stark, University of Toronto. There has been much global talk recently about the Canadian model: How is it that Canada has avoided the right-wing populist xenophobia roiling other major democracies? Polls show that those Canadians who most strongly identify themselves as patriotic are also the most supportive of immigration and multiculturalism, while in America, the opposite is true. As with multiculturalism within, so with multilateralism without. In a 2014 analysis of public opinion, Roland Paris, Justin Trudeau’s former foreign-policy advisor, concluded that Canadians remain resolute “liberal internationalists.” But does Canada, in its comparative openness to multiculturalism and multilateralism, immigration and globalization, really have anything to teach the world?
Andrew Stark is a Professor in the Department of Management at the University of Toronto-Scarborough, with cross-appointments to the Strategic Management area at Rotman and Department of Political Science. Andrew draws on normative theory – political, moral and legal theory – to analyze controversial public issues.
Ort: d.a.i.-Saal
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Eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Botschaft von Kanada.